Confirming the off button requires a pin?

Hello, today I tested the app on my LG G6 and turned on a lot like for example and that is also my problem, UNLOCK PIN is not working!
I’m going to ask what kind of pin I should give, but it will not work anymore. I wanted to turn my phone off and now they ask me for a password. 4 number I do not have.
I can not do anything about my PC browser. I hope someone can help me because I do not know how to get my phone back …

pleas help ! :frowning: i need my phone

Hi Eric, the pin is the one you gave to the prey app when you activated the lock for the power button. It’s not automatic :confused: if you don’t remember the pin, you have to wait until the device power off and then you’ll be able to change the pin in the Prey app. Make sure that you will remember the password this time :slight_smile:have a nice week