Installation woes on Fedora 29

I almost paid for the family plan upfront, and now I’m glad I tried the free version first.

The Linux installation instructions are utterly dismal.

  1. It’s unclear when to run a command as root and when not to.
  2. Where should the zip file be unpacked to? /usr/local? /home/$USER? What user should own this directory?
  3. What user should own /etc/prey? It’s created as root, but then that prevents registration by the user account.

I’ve hacked around a bit, and my laptop was successfully registered, but the agent won’t run (permission denied, despite chowning the entire install directory as well as /etc/prey to prey:prey).

You can ignore this. I decided to give Drivestrike a try, and two minutes later I’m up and running.

Given the nature of this type of software, such a kludgy installation doesn’t inspire confidence. Someone really ought to devote some time to making it not suck.

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