Overlap app screens accessibility

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When opening Prey I’m stuck at a screen asking for permission for “OVERLAP APP SCREENS ACCESSIBILITY”. When I hit ‘Go to permissions’ I’m taken to Accessibility and there are no such permissions for overlay.

After searching online I can find ‘Special Access > Appear on Top’ and Prey is enabled in this list, I cant find anything else relating to overlay/overlap and I’m stuck without being able to use the app.


I’ve tried clearing the app data but I’m still stuck at on the overlap app setting, tapping into permissions takes me to ‘Accessibility’ which doesn’t seem to have any option like this…

Hi, I’m very sorry for the delay. Here is an example of the steps:

And Voila! Could you please try and let me know if you have any trouble?

Have a nice day.

Hi Daniela,

After following these steps I now get the login screen but now trying to login I get this error message: “No slots left for new devices”. I’m not trying to add another device, just login.


Hi! Could you please send me an email to help@preyproject.com? I need more information about your account to help you with this :grinning: