[Prey] For all our macOS users

¡Hello there, community!

We are reaching out to let you know that we have come across an issue related to the auto-update process to Prey version 1.9.18 on macOS devices that may have left some of your devices untethered from the Prey servers.

If you notice that any of your current macOS devices are stuck on version 1.9.17 or prior, please review the following solutions:

  1. Enter the following command in a terminal window: sudo -u prey /usr/local/lib/prey/versions/1.9.18/bin/prey config activate

After it’s executed, your device should connect normally to the Prey servers and automatically update.

  1. Install version 1.9.19 manually by downloading it from our website. This will require you to enter your login credentials after the installation to reconnect it to the Panel.

If any questions come up, don’t hesitate to reach us at help@preyproject.com. We are always here to help.

Did anyone have this problem again with yesterday’s Big Sur v11.7.2 upgrade over v11.7.1 or just me? I e-mailed help@preyproject.com with the details like logs. I had to redownload and reinstall to fix it again. :frowning: