Question about Prey stolen system

I had my laptop stolen back in November 2018. The system had Prey on it at that time and I reported missing. Afterwards, to be honest, I forgot about Prey because nothing came back about the system in a couple of days.

The other day I had decided to add Prey to a new system and it said I had an account already. When I got in, I saw my old laptop and that it was missing. Out of curiosity, I checked the system and saw a location for it. It doesn’t say WHEN it was there but that it was. I then noticed that the free edition only lets you see the last 7 days or something like that.

My question is if I start paying the money for the tracking of the system, would it be able to show me the history of the system from when I reported it back in November 2018 or would it only be able to do so from this time forward? If it goes back to when I first reported it, it would be outstanding (the location reported was where I thought the burglar’s was located) and enough to get the police to act on the case. If it doesn’t give me access to the past history of when it was reported, it will still probably be worth it but it would be better to get the info about the stolen system.

sounds like prey is telling you where you laptop is now. wouldn’t that be enough to get some action out of police?

shows where the laptop was last seen. When you click on “show previous locations” has this come up: “There are no registered locations for the selected day. The last location was recorded on Wednesday, 14 November 2018”

So, no, it doesn’t show where the laptop is now.