RESOLVED - Adding my phone

Hi Daniela
I have been struggling all afternoon to get Prey to recognise my phone. I gave my old Samsung phone to a friend and now she thinks I am stalking her!

To cut a long story short I removed the Prey app from my new phone and reinstalled and the phone being tracked in Prey is now my new phone. Hurray! But the hardware details on the “Hardware” page are still the old phone. I have renamed it but it does not update. I have also checked the “Identify devices when linking.”, logged out and in again. But it stubbornly shows the old phone details.

Do I have to delete the phone from the account, uninstall Prey, reinstall Prey to get this to happen? Please say there is a quicker method.

Does this mean you can only track one phone in Prey?

Hi @John.S,

You can track as many different phones as your account supports, as long as you make sure that the config files for each one are different. When you restore your app data from the cloud, it will reuse the old config file from the phone.

To fix this, delete the unit from your Prey account, delete all the app data from the Android phone, and then open the Prey app again. You don’t even have to uninstall :slight_smile: