Unable to access account - Requires 6 Digit Security code that we no longer have access to

We are unable to log in to our Prey account as it requires a Six-Digit Security code. A past employee that was managing the panel no longer works for our company, and we do not have his six-digit 2FA code. How can we remove the code so that we can get back into the panel to manage our devices for our clients?

I have the same problem!!! No any email about this update, can not enter my account anymore (((

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Do you have access to the email account? You have to search for an email from Prey with a Recovery code! :wink:

I do not have such mail and asking for password reset does not help either as it keeps asking for the 6 digit.
I am ready to destroy this account and recouple my computer to a new one but my email being used for the blocked account I cannot either do that.
This is very annoying!!!

Please at least allow us to delete an account based on a mail validation!

I already sent you a DM :slight_smile:

Dear Daniela,
I do not get what you mean by DM. I tried to do the google magic after installing google authenticator but then was blocked as I did not have a barcode to scan and did not know what to type. Could you please help me a bit more. Thanks
PS: I do have a key I received by email but it is 13 digits long or so and I do not know what to do with it

Sorry DM=Direct Message, I asked you for more information!
But if you have the recovery code, go to https://panel.preyproject.com/session/new?lang=en , access with your email, and click on “Lost your mobile device?”, there, you will have to enter the recovery code. Then, the two step authentication will be disabled and you’ll be able to access only with your credentials! :smiley:

sorry to be so stupid but what is the recovery code? I tried my 13digit (API key) string and it fails.

I sent you a Direct Message, please go to the icon in the superior right corner and you will find it :slight_smile: I will help you with this, but I need more information, as your email!

Help! I’m having the same issue. 6 digit codes don’t work and the recovery code doesn’t work. I’m completely locked out!

Hi! Please check your Direct Messages :slight_smile:

Hi Daniela,
Can you help me to reset my two step verification.
My Authenticator 6 digits are not accepted.
So I can’t reset my password and even login to Prey.
Kind regards and thank you for your patience.

Hi! Sure, I’ll send you a Direct Message! I need your account information :slight_smile:

I never enabled two factor authentication on my account. I will need access to my account in order to set it up.

@rerunx5 Hi Alex, please check your Direct Messages :slight_smile:

i have the same problem… help!!!

if you know a way, please help me to get new 6 digits or a clue to remember them besides i dont remember when i choose any 6 digits

@luisdesistemas Hi Luis, Please check your Direct Messages :slight_smile:

@Daniela_Cabezas please help me reset my 6 digit security code that I don’t remember what so ever. Plus I don’t know my recovery code either please help me reset that too. Because I can’t use the app without signing in.

@alisbeih97 PLease check your Direct Messages :slight_smile: