What is prey for?

I am really struggling to understand the point of Prey, it has features that apparently do not work the way the site claims - or is it it just only upgraded users that can access them - they are listed for free members to tempt them into upgrading?

If so, this is rather counter-productive, since why would I pay for a product that does not appear to work?

Geofencing - FAILED
camoflage - FAILED
locate device - FAILED

just about the only thing it does do is notice when I turn my device on and off

Or am I really missing something with the way it works?

I installed on 2 devices with version 1.8 and 2.0 and had exactly same results with both, in case it was a version bug that had been corrected

Hi! We had some troubles this morning but we have already fixed the bug :slight_smile: You can try again and if the problem persists please write us to help@preyproject.com ! I will be glad to help you.