Virtual private Network

Can prey still track a desktop computer with a VPN installed? The computer is in a different zone as I am running the free version if I upgraded would it be able to be tracked even with the VPN? Thank you

If, as I suspect, they rely on the IP Geo-location, then NO =- the VPN will show the VPN server as the location, not your PC
If it has a wireless card, then theoretically it could use the wifi signal to give a more accurate location

Try and see what location your pc is currently showing - that should tell you if it is right or not

That’s the problem it’s not showing any location and the map is blank just a tan screen it does sometimes show the 3 black dots just no map and I upgraded to the 5.00 plan. Any idea all I can think of is it’s not turned on which is very unlikely or the virus software is blocking it or the VPN. Also it does have a wireless card with bluetooth

Have you tried clicking on the Update Location button on the map on your device?
It should go through attempting to locate device, followed by either success or failure

I have this same problem but it’s not an issue of the location updating… instead the issue is that it says that Prey is device in not connected. As soon as I turn off the VPN the device it immediately shown as being active… This causes a huge problem because my devices all turn on with the VPN set to turn on with the startup.